Brown Metal Striker

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  • Brown Metal Striker

    Brown metal is the Tournament striker manufactured as per the standards of International Carrom Federation (ICF)
    It has smooth and Running so it moves fluently on the carrom.
    Also a good stroke and grip you are getting in this so you get more control and command on striker is the Strength of this striker.
    Brown Metal Striker

    Refine Search

    Brown Metal Striker B1

    Brown Metal Striker B1

    Star Brown Metal beautiful Looking Carrom Striker Designed for Tournament playersweight Approx 15 gmThickness 7mm4.13 DiameterSmooth and Effective RunningPowerf..

    340.00 Rs/- 490.00 Rs/-
    Brown Metal Striker B2

    Brown Metal Striker B2

    Star Brown Metal beautiful Looking Carrom Striker Designed for Tournament playersWeight Approx 15gThickness 7mm4.13cm DiameterSmooth and Effective RunningPowerf..

    340.00 Rs/- 490.00 Rs/-
    Brown Metal Striker B3

    Brown Metal Striker B3

    Brown Metal beautiful Looking Carrom Striker Designed for Tournament playersweight Approx 15gThickness 7mm4.13 DiameterSmooth and Effective RunningPowerful Stro..

    340.00 Rs/- 490.00 Rs/-
    Brown Metal Striker B4

    Brown Metal Striker B4

    Star Brown Metal beautiful Looking Carrom Striker Designed for Tournament playersWeight Approx 15gThickness 7mm4.13 DiameterSmooth and Effective RunningPowerful..

    340.00 Rs/- 490.00 Rs/-
    Brown Metal Striker B5

    Brown Metal Striker B5

    Brown Metal beautiful Looking Carrom Striker Designed for Tournament playersweight Approx 15gThickness 7mm4.13 DiameterSmooth and Effective RunningPowerful Stro..

    340.00 Rs/- 490.00 Rs/-
    Brown Metal Striker B6

    Brown Metal Striker B6

    Brown Metal beautiful Looking Striker Designed for Tournament playersweight Approx 15gThickness 7mm4.13cm DiameterSmooth and Effective RunningPowerful StrokeSem..

    340.00 Rs/- 490.00 Rs/-
    Star Brown Metal Second Edition Striker

    Star Brown Metal Second Edition Striker

    Star Brown Metal beautiful Looking Carrom Striker Designed for Tournament playersweight 15gThickness 7mm4.13cm DiameterSmooth and Effective RunningPowerful Stro..

    340.00 Rs/- 490.00 Rs/-
    Strike & Pocket Brown Metal Tournament Carrom Striker

    Strike & Pocket Brown Metal Tournament Carrom Striker

    Star Brown Metal beautiful Looking Carrom Striker Designed for Tournament playersweight Approx 15 gmThickness 7mm4.13 DiameterSmooth and Effective RunningPowerf..

    340.00 Rs/- 490.00 Rs/-
    Showing 1 to 8 of 8 (1 Pages)